Friday, August 26, 2011

¡Barcelona!: Uno

Last weekend the girls and I (also known by the UIMP as "el grupo de Denver"), took a trip to Barcelona. How does one describe Barcelona...I have no idea! Although I don't think it's somewhere I would want to live for the rest of my life, it is an unbelievable city. And for all those Shadow of the Wind fans out there (which I think is like 2), it was SO cool to see and think about while walking around the city. I really wish I would have read the book again before I left!
I've decided to post Barcelona in a few parts because I took a gazillion (yes, Dad, it IS a word) pictures. One post would not do this city justice.

Barcelona is known for a few things. First of all, they speak Catalan, which is similar to Spanish but I definitely can't understand it. The region of Cataluña (or Catalunya in Catalan) is similar to País Vasco in their desire for independence from Spain. Because they have some of the most incredible architecture in the whole country, are known for their amazing tapas, and speak their own language, the people of Cataluña are pretty proud of their region.
Geographically, Barcelona sits between a gorgeous mountain range and the Mediterranean, and is quite hot humid. Although we weren't able to make it to the ocean, we definitely felt the heat and humidity. My shoes will never smell quite the same.

The trip began with a plane ride via RyanAir (great name!) from Santander to Barcelona. Once we arrived, we took the AeroBus to the Plaza de Cataluña, which is basically the center of town.
After we settled into our hostel, we explored the city for a bit and then went out for tapas!

More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie,

    Thanks for clarifying that "gazillion" is found in Webster. I should have known better than to doubt our globe trotting daughter and her use of the English language.

    Luv the photos, descriptions and always your humor. Enjoyed our phone call on Friday. Can't wait to Skype next week once you get settled..luv...Dad!
